Monday, October 4, 2010

This is my grandson Brad. I haven't heard from him for a couple of years. I love him very much and miss him something awful. I wish he would run across this Blog and know I want him to call me. Love you Brad.
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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Donna gave me several little bird houses that were our friend Judy's mom's when she raised birds. Donna knew that I would like and use them so gave them to me yesterday. I couldn't wait for the sun to come up this morning to put them up. I see them every morning from my kitchen window and when I go out to feed and sit with my fish for a cup of coffee to start the day. There are a couple more that sit on a table with some cute little cement birds. Thanks Donna and Judy. I love them.
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This cupboard was in my old mobile. It was stored in a canopy for the past two years waiting for someone to come that could help put it in the wooden shed so it would be safe and give me a place to keep my crafting tools. The weather was taking a tole on it so this year I decided to do it myself. It is surprising what an old hard headed lady can do with some PVC pipes to help move anything heavy. If you want something bad enough sit down and think HOW Can I?? If you really want it , most of the time an asnwer will come. Only problem now at this age it seems to take longer to find the answer. LOL
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